29 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. November 29.

The critical point for the day is at 6091 and if the Nifty trades above this in the initial hour of trade then it will be bullish with resistances at 6113, 6135 and 6158. Otherwise it will be bearish with supports at 6069, 6046 and 6024. However, 6120 is the critical resistance above which new longs will emerge in the system.
Intra-day traders may trade accordingly depending on which side of the 6091 mark the market trades in the initial hour. However, stop loss for longs may be placed at 6083. Stop loss for shorts is at 6120.
Short-term traders may go long if the Nifty trades conclusively above 6120 with good volumes. However, if the Nifty falls below 6030 they may short it.
Mid-term investors may bid Tata Steel @ 388.20 and Tata Motors @ 380.05 in case of weakness.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

28 November 2013

To Autumn by John Keats

To Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twinéd flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—
While barréd clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

                   .............. by John Keats

The Unquiet Grave by Francis James Child

  The Unquiet Grave

The wind doth blow today, my love,
  And a few small drops of rain;
I never had but one true-love,
  In cold grave she was lain.

I'll do as much for my true-love
  As any young man may;
I'll sit and mourn all at her grave 
  For a twelvemonth and a day."

The twelvemonth and a day being up, 
  The dead began to speak: 
Oh who sits weeping on my grave,
  And will not let me sleep?

't is I, my love, sits on your grave, 
  And will not let you sleep;
For I crave one kiss of your clay-cold lips,
  And that is all I seek.

You crave one kiss of my clay-cold lips, 
  But my breath smells earthy strong;
If you have one kiss of my clay-cold lips, 
  Your time will not be long.

't is down in yonder garden green, 
  Love, where we used to walk, 
The finest flower that e're was seen 
  Is withered to a stalk.

The stalk is withered dry, my love,
  So will our hearts decay; 
So make yourself content, my love, 
  Till God calls you away.

            from The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (1892-98) by  Francis James Child 

Bruce Springsteen- High Hopes

Releasing January 14, here's the tittle song of Bruce Springsteen's new album - High Hopes. Here's the tittle single with on screen lyrics. Enjoy.

Waxahatchee - I think I love you

Katie Crutchfield performs I think I love you

The lyrics

It's late.
We are not awake
and I smashed my phone.
I am learning how to be alone.

Resoundingly unpretty girl stares back at me
and I become what everyone's harboring from.
And is it your fault?
No, I think it's my fault.

We digress.
You're inhaling smoke, emotionless,
somewhere on a map,
unaware that I am falling flat.
And you will hurt me.
And I deserve it.

It's late.
You are not awake
and it's nothing.
I want you so bad it's devouring me
and I think I love you,
but you'll never find out.

On the Indian Stock markets. November 28.

There is still hope for bulls in that the key support of 6030 held yesterday but technical charts suggest a bit more of weakness. But today being the settlement day of the November series, the markets may tend to be erratic.
The critical point to watch for the day is 6053 and below this mark the nifty will remain weak with supports at 6030, 6010 and  5989.
The nifty will be bullish otherwise with resistances at 6077, 6097 and 6120.
Intra-day traders may go long if Nifty trades above 6063 with stop loss at 6046. If Nifty trades below 6046 then they may go short with stop loss at 6063. 
Short-term traders may short the market if it dips below 6030 and go long only if it goes above 6020.
Mid-term investors may buy HDFC Bank at 630.05 in small quantities. They may also consider selling 10% of their holdings in Tata Motors at 409.2 and Tata Steel at 406.55.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

27 November 2013

David & Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell - book review

Examining dyslexia, effects of strength of students in a class, Lawrence of Arabia and a bouquet of myriad incidents across the centuries and across the globe Malcolm Gladwell has once again made his point through his unique style of convincing in his new book David & Goliath. The book is about how conventional thinking that might is right is flawed and how underdogs and weaklings brave their victory over the giants.
The book though is not as much in league with his earlier ones but still one may read this book without expecting the earlier experiences.
In a scale of 10 we give it 7.5.

On the Indian Stock Markets. November 27.

As we had been emphasizing that we are not out of woods, the market did loose considerable ground yesterday with MACD indicating a bit of downside.
That being said, the key point for today is at 6073 and Nifty will have to convincingly trade above this point for any hope for bulls, in which case the resistance will be at 6098, 6138 and 6163. Otherwise, it will go down with supports at 6033, 6008 and 5968.
It may be understood that all positions should be taken in the December series.
The intra-day traders are advised to go long if it trades above 5973 in the initial hour of trade with stop loss at 6065 and go short below 5973 with stop loss at 6095.
Short-term traders may watch for the 6030 support. If Nifty slides below this point then they may short the market, if this holds then they may go long with stop loss at 6020.
Mid-term investors may buy stocks at rates given in our previous two posts.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

26 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. November 26.

The readers of this blog might have noticed that the Nifty could not conquer our predicted resistance of 6020 conclusively yesterday and therefore it may be concluded that the bull run yesterday can be attributed to the settlement blues effect which cannot be ruled out, as we are not out of the woods as yet. However above the 6220 mark one can safely assume that at least the bears are out for a while. The Nifty ought to conquer the 6201 mark before it can be concluded to have resumed its bull run. 
That being said, the critical point for today's direction depends on which side of the 6092 mark the Nifty trades in the initial hour. If above 6092, then there will be a little more upside with resistances at 6147, 6179 and 6234 and in case of under 6092 then the supports are at 6059, 6004 and 5972.
The intra-day traders may trade accordingly with stop loss for longs at 6075 and that for shorts at 6020.
Short-term traders may go long at lower levels with stop loss at 6030.
Mid-term investors may add Tata motors @ 377.75.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

25 November 2013

Mark Crozer and The Rels- Broken Out in Love

 Guys enjoy 'Broken out in love.' 
 The lyrics are on screen.

This song happens to be the theme song of Wyatt Family that appears in the TV entertainment programs of WWE. It is an awesome number with great instrumentals and tune, that linger for a long time.

On the Indian Stock Market. Nov 25.

The Nifty has turned weak and will remain so unless it sticks its head above the 6020 mark conclusively in which case the resistances are at 6040, 6982 and 6115. Other wise the supports are at 5862, 5946 and 5992. In case the key support of 5946 is breached then we will enter a bear phase. This week will also see the expiry of November F&O series which may make the market turn somewhat erratic.
That being said, the Nifty is expected to remain weak today.
The intra-day traders may go long if the benchmark index trades conclusively above 6006 in the initial hour of trade with stop loss at 5995. If it trades below the 6006 mark then one may go short with stop loss at 6020.
Short-term traders may go long at lower levels with stop loss at 5936. If it sinks bellow 5936, then they may open fresh short positions.
Mid-term investors may utilize the weakness and buy HDFC Bank @ 629.6 and Tata Steel @ 378.65.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

24 November 2013

Lord Huron : She lit a fire

Lord Huron: She lit a fire 

The Lyrics

I've been through the desert
And I've been across the sea
I've been walking through the mountains
I've wandered through the trees
For her

I have been trying to find her
Want to give what I got
She lit a fire
But now she's in my every thought

Where, could that girl have gone
Where, I've wandered far
Where, could that girl have gone
She left no trail but I cannot fail
I will find her

She lit a fire
But now she's in my every thought
She lit a fire
But now she's in my every thought

Where, could that girl have gone
Where, I've wandered far
Where, could that girl have gone
She left no trace but I know her face
I will find her

When last I saw her she was dancing all alone
Perhaps my chance was then, I'll never know
I'll search the world until there's no place left to go
And if she leaves it, I will follow
Yes I will follow

She lit a fire
But now she's in my every thought
She lit a fire
But now she's in my every thought

I've been through the desert
And I've been across the sea
I've been walking through the mountains
I've wandered through the trees
For her

I have been trying to find her
Want to give what I got
She lit a fire
But now she's in my every thought

23 November 2013

Five Star Billionaire by Tash Aw .. Book review.

Five Star Billionaire is a story of modern day Shanghai, the business capital of China, a place where people throng with dreams and with hope to see them come true.
Five Star Billionaire is the story of four Malaysians. Phoebe, a young ambitious village girl who fakes out her identity and herself in process. Gary, a pop star who falls from grace and discovers himself. Justin a lonely business man who looses all and quits a family business that goes bust to start from the scratch once again and discover his love. Yinghui, a successful business woman who lost her love and family and face and eventually money. All these characters are loosely connected by Walter in mysterious ways as the story progresses to a dramatic end.
The book is an accurate description of modern day values and self centered lives in a Capitalist style metropolis with all its tension, emotions and confusion. It definitely is a good read although at times the pace is rather slow and the plot predictable.
We give it an 8  in a scale of 10. A leisure 435 page compelling story.

22 November 2013

Luminary by R S Thomas.


My luminary,

my morning and evening

star. My light at noon

when there is no sun

and the sky lowers. My balance

of joy in a world

that has gone off joy's

standard. Yours the face

that young I recognised

as though I had known you

of old. Come, my eyes

said, out into the morning

of a world whose dew

waits for your footprint.

Before a green altar

with the thrush for priest

I took those gossamer

vows that neither the Church

could stale nor the Machine

tarnish, that with the years

have grown hard as flint,

lighter than platinum

on our ringless fingers.

                                   ...... by R. S. THOMAS

On the Indian Stock Markets. Novemeber 22.

The followers of this blog might have noticed how the Nifty tumbled yesterday on account of its inability to conquer the key resistance of 6201.
The deciding point for today's direction is at 6027 and unless the benchmark index trades conclusively above this level in the initial trades one may expect a further down slide with possible supports at 5946, 5915 and 5845. However, if the index trades below 5946 then one might expect further fresh shorts being built into the system.
Intra-day traders may trade on the short side if the index trades below 6027 conclusively with stop loss at 6054. However, if it manages to stick its head above the 6027 mark then one may go long with stop loss at 6010.
Short-term traders may go long in the December series at lower levels if it weakens down to below 5910 levels.
Mid-term investors may bid HCL Tech @ 1058.45 and 1007.05, Tata steel @ 379.1 and Tata Motors @ 372.8.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

21 November 2013

On the Indian Stock markets. Nov 21.

As we had stated in our previous post the critical resistance at 6201 continued to be the dampner and inability of Nifty to conquer this level saw it go down.
Today's direction depends on which side of 6144 mark the benchmark index trades in the initial hour today. The resistances are at 6182, 6242 and 6279 and the supports are at 6085, 6047 and 5987.
Intraday traders may trade accordingly with stop loss for longs at 6108 and stop loss for shorts at 6167.
Short-term traders may add longs at lower levels with strict stop loss at 6060. If it goes below 6060 then one may initiate fresh shorts and if the Nifty shows an upsurge then all are advised to square off all their positions in the current F&O series.
Mid term investors may buy Tata Steel @ 370.55 and Tata Motors @ 374.85.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

20 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. November 20.

As indicated in our previous post, the 6201 mark cannot be said to be conquered conclusively and the benchmark index kept hovering around this mark. The immediate trend depends very much on whether 6201 gets conquered or not even though the technical charts indicate a little more of an upside.
The resistances for the day are at 6217, 6231 and 6249 and the supports are at 6184, 6166 and 6152.
Intra-day traders may trade accordingly depending on which side of 6201 mark the Nifty trades in the initial hour of trade with stop loss for longs at 6191 while that of shorts at 6201.
Short-term traders who are riding the longs in line with our advise may continue to do so and may even add more calls if Nifty slides and weakens but with strict stop loss at 6064. In case of an up move they are advised to square off all the positions around 6250-6280 levels in the November series.
Mid term investors may consider buying Tata Motors @ 386.65 and 372.55 and Tata Steel @ 377.7 and 366.05 in small quantities.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

19 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. November 19.

The key resistance of 6201 will determine the market trend for the immediate term. If Nifty conquers this hurdle conclusively with good volumes then new longs will be built up, otherwise market may cool off towards the crucial support of 6058.
That being said, the trend for today will depend on which side of the 6168 mark the benchmark index trades today in the initial hour of trade. If above 6168, then the nifty will face resistances at 6220, 6251 and 6306. If below 6168, then the supports are at 6134, 6079 and 6047.
Intra-day traders may trade accordingly ie go long if it trades above 6165 and go short otherwise.
Short term traders may go long only if Nifty conquers the resistance of 6201, otherwise they may play on the short side.
Mid-term investors may consider buying Tata Steel @ 380.8, 371.2 and 364.70 and Tata Motors @ 384.9, 377.55 and 371.80 all in small quantities.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

18 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. November 18.

The critical point for the day is at 6065. If the benchmark index trades above this mark in the initial hour of trade today then we may see a bit of an upside with resistances at 6093, 6130 and 6158. Otherwise it will drift down with supports at 6027, 5999 and 5962.
The technical charts indicate that although an intermediate bottom may be in place but we are not out of woods as yet.
Intra-day traders may trade accordingly depending on which side of the 6065 mark the Nifty holds. However, in case if it trades above 6065 and one goes long then one may place their stop loss strictly at 6021. In case of shorts one may place stop loss at 6077.
Short-term traders may go long with stop loss at 6021. They may short the market below 6015.
Mid-term traders may bid Tata Steel at 364.05 and 352.70 in small quantities.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

16 November 2013

More of San Fermin - Oh darling.

San Fermin performs Oh Darling

The lyrics to the song

Oh, darling, I've been so miserable
I can't describe
Oh, darling, don't be difficult
I can't abide
Oh, darling, fightning's so miserable
A lover's lie
Oh, darling, don't be radical
I can't abide

When you're awful low
And you're heart is gone to sea
Leave your lonely here
With me
When you're awful low
Abide with me

Oh, darling, I've been so miserable
I can't describe
Oh, darling, don't be fanciful
I can't abide
Oh, darling fighting's so miserable
A lover's lie
Oh, darling, don't be difficult
I can't abide
Oh, darling, I've been so miserable
I can't describe
Oh, darling, don't be radical
I can't abide

When you're awful low
And your friends are off alone
I'll be waiting here

When you're awful low
Abide with me

When your friends are off alone
When your heart is gone
To sea
When you're awful low

(Don’t you look at me like that)

Finding the keys by Robin Robertson.

Finding the Keys

  • The set seed and the first bulbs showing.
  • The silence that brings the deer.
  • The trees are full of handles and hinges;
  • you can make out keyholes, latches in the leaves.
  • Buds tick and crack in the sun, break open
  • slowly in a spur of green.
  • The small-change colours of the river bed:
  • these stones of copper, silver, gold.
  • The rock-rose in the waste-ground
  • finding some way to bloom. The long
  • spill of birdsong. Flowers, all
  • turned to face the hot sky. Nothing stirs.
  • That woody clack of antlers.
  • In yellow and red, the many griefs of autumn.
  • The dawn light through amber leaves
  • and the trees are lanterned, blown
  • the next day to empty stars.
  • Smoke in the air; the air, turning.
  • Under a sky of stone and pink
  • faring in from the north and promising snow:
  • the blackbird.
  • In his beak, a victory of worms.
  • The winged seed of the maple,
  • the lost keys under the ash.
           ..... by Robin Robertson 
  • [from his collection Hill of Doors which has been shortlisted for the T S Elliot prize.]

15 November 2013

In a Garden by Amy Lawrence Lowell

Gushing from the mouths of stone men
To spread at ease under the sky
In granite-lipped basins,
Where iris dabble their feet
And rustle to a passing wind,
The water fills the garden with its rushing,
In the midst of the quiet of close-clipped lawns.

Damp smell the ferns in tunnels of stone,
Where trickle and plash the fountains,
Marble fountains, yellowed with much water.

Splashing down moss-tarnished steps
It falls, the water;
And the air is throbbing with it.
With its gurgling and running.
With its leaping, and deep, cool murmur.

And I wished for night and you.
I wanted to see you in the swimming-pool,
White and shining in the silver-flecked water.
While the moon rode over the garden,
High in the arch of night,
And the scent of the lilacs was heavy with stillness.

Night, and the water, and you in your whiteness,
Amy Lawrence Lowell(1874-1925) was an American Poet of the imagist school. She posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1926. This week's poem comes from Amy Lowell's second collection, Sword Blades and Poppy Seed (1914).It was the book in which she found her characteristic style. Sensuous and subtle, the imagery does not detract from making this poem a celebration of love.

14 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. Nov 13

The market behaved quite in expected lines as we had predicted in our previous post.
The index will remain weak with supports at 5983, 5949  & 5886 if it trades below the 6046 mark in the opening hour of trades. Otherwise, the resistances will be at 6080, 6142 & 6177.
Our outlook is that the market will continue to be weak and may test 5942 mark. If the nifty breaches 5942 conclusively then fresh shorts will emerge.
Intraday traders may trade on the short side with stop loss at 6072.
Short term traders may too play on short side with stop loss at 6183.
Mid term players may utilize the weakness to add Tata motors @ 354.05 ITC @ 311.05 & Hcl tech 1058.35.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

On the Indian Stock Markets. Nov 14

If the index trades below the 6000 mark in the opening hour of trade, then it will weaken further with supports at 5960, 5931 & 5890. Otherwise it will show a bounceback with resistances at 6030, 6071 & 6100.
If the market falls below the crucial support of 5946 on the closing basis conclusively, then we will enter into a bearish market headed towards 5710.
Intraday traders may trade depending on which side of the 6000 mark the Nifty trades in the opening hour i.e. go short if below 6000 with stop loss at 6015.6 & go long if above 6000 with stop loss at 5995.
Short term traders may go short with stop loss at 6056 and book their profits at lower levels. They may watch closely whether the 5946 gets breached conclusively in which case they may initiate fresh shorts.
Mid term investors may bid Tata steel @ 354.3 & Tata motors @ 358.55.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

12 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. Nov 12

The Nifty will continue to be weak if it trades below the 6095 mark in initial hour of trades with supports at 6045, 6019 & 5971. However if it trades above 6095 then the resistances are at 6119, 6167 & 6192.
The intraday traders may continue to trade on the short side with stop loss at 6113.
Short term traders may short at higher levels with stop loss at 6204. The intermediate target seems to be at 5942.
Mid term investors may consider buying Tata Steel @ 352.15. The stock has turned bullish and will remain so as long as it holds above 351. They may also bid Tata motors @ 372.6 & 361.1 in small quantities.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

11 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. Nov 11

The market has turned weak as we had envisaged and those who played on short side as advised in our previous post would have seen the accuracy of technical charts.
The market will continue to be weak heading towards the key support at 5942.  The intraday supports are at 6126, 6083 & 6042 and intraday resistances will be at 6178, 6213 & 6142.
Intraday traders may trade on the short side if the index trades below the 6149 mark in initial hour of trade with strict stop loss at 6162. otherwise they may trade long.
Short term traders may continue to short the market at higher levels with strict stop loss at 6223.
Mid term traders may bid and offer at rates indicated in our previous post.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

10 November 2013

San Fermin - Sonsick


I found me a hopeless case, and resolve to love
Maybe we can find a decent place
When I'm old enough
Found love in an empty gaze, try to fix it up
I found me a hopeless case, oho oho

I'll fall for you soon enough
I resolve to love
Now I know it's just another fuck
Cause I'm old enough
Sell lies like they're only drugs
It'll pick me up
I'll fall for you soon enough, oho, oho

Oho, don't be scared / That it's a harder kind of feel
Hold on tight / You must hold on unless you're in it
Ease your mind / And when you think, you're thinking clear
It's alright / You're really tied up and committed
Won’t you say? / But it’s an awful lot of talk
Stop the fight / Before the fire burns too quickly
Don't be scared / Why do you wanna hurt at all?
Hurts all right / Someone's summer kind of sickness

All dressed in my Sunday best, when I solve your love
Maybe find a place where we could rest
When we're old enough
We can have a dog and all the rest
We can live it up
All dressed in my Sunday best, oho, oho

Sonsick at the Tee-ball games, I absolve your love
Maybe find a place and think of things
When we're old enough
Make plans and we'll buy new things, try to fix it up
Sonsick at the Tee-ball games, oho, oho

Oho, don't be scared / That it's a harder kind of feel
Hold on tight / You must hold on unless you're in it
Ease your mind / And when you think, you're thinking clear
It's alright / You're really tied up and committed
Won’t you say? / But it’s an awful lot of talk
Stop the fight / Before the fire burns too quickly
Don't be scared / Why do you wanna hurt at all?
Hurts all right / Someone's summer kind of sickness

It is a summer kind of sickness
A summer kind of sickness
It is a summer kind of sickness

Oho, don't be scared / That it's a harder kind of feel
Hold on tight / You must hold on unless you're in it
Ease your mind / And when you think, you're thinking clear
It's alright / You're really tied up and committed
Won’t you say? / But it’s an awful lot of talk
Stop the fight / Before the fire burns too quickly
Don't be scared / Why do you wanna hurt at all?
Hurts all right / Someone's summer kind of sickness

I’ll fall for you soon enough
I resolve to love.

08 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. Nov 8

The supports for today are at 6159, 6121 & 6040 and the resistances are at 6247, 6317 & 6345.

Unless the market trades above the 6219 mark, it will remain weak. Otherwise it will turn strong once again.
The intraday traders may trade on the short side with stop loss at 6250.
Short term traders too may open fresh shorts if Nifty trades conclusively below the 6174 mark with stop loss at 6250.
However if the market trades above 6281 mark then one may play on long side.
Mid term investors may bid Tata motors @ 358.05 and ITC @ 311.45.
They may offer 10% of their holdings in HCL Tech @ 1154.95.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

07 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. Nov 7

The technicals indicate that the market is in a consolidation mode with bullish bias. The resistances today for the index are at 6253, 6292 & 6314 and supports are at 6192, 6170 & 6131.
Intraday-traders are advised to go short if the Nifty opens and trades below 6231 with stop loss at 6251. However, if it trades above then they may trade on the long side. Fresh longs will emerge above 6298.
Short-term traders may initiate trades on the long side if it trades conclusively above 6174 which may be treated as stop loss.
Mid-term investors are advised to offer 10% of their holdings in following stocks at the prices indicated
Coal India @ 307.85
HCL tech @ 1136.95
Tata motors @ 408.65
They may bid HDFC bank @ 649.05, Itc @ 311 & Tata motors @ 377.05, all in small quantities.

DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

06 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets. Nov 6

The undertone continues to be bullish. If the index trades above 6268 mark in the opening hour, then the nifty will go up north with resistances at 6290, 6328 & 6352. Otherwise it will weaken further with supports at 6230, 6206 & 6169.
Intra-day traders may trade accordingly with stop loss for shorts at 6305 & for longs at 6258.
Short-term traders may add long positions at lower levels with stop loss at 6165.
Mid-term investors may offer 10% of their holdings in Hcl tech @ 1139.95, 10% of holdings in Hdfc bank @ 704.95 & 10% of their holdings in Tata motors @ 414.95.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.

05 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Market. November 5.

All the technical indicators suggest a continuation of bullish undertone. That being said if the Nifty trades above 6308 in the initial trades then there will be a bit of upside with resistances at 6330, 6355 and 6377.  However, if below 6308, the market will soften a bit with supports at 6285, 6263 and 6239.
The intra-day traders may trade accordingly with stop loss for longs at 6268.
The short-term traders may continue to ride their longs and may consider adding yet fresh longs in case of weakness with strict stop loss at 6214.
The mid-term investors may consider pruning their portfolio of all those stocks that have not performed in the recent bull run. Feel free to write to us in case you want to know the offer price at which you may exit such non-performers giving us the name of stock along with the price at which you had bought it.

01 November 2013

On the Indian Stock Markets November 1

If the index opens and trades above the 6280 mark in the initial hours of trade then it will show a little more of an upside move with resistances at 6326, 6355 & 6399. Otherwise it will go down south with supports at 6255, 6208 & 6180.
Intra day traders may trade accordingly with stop loss at 6255 for trades on long side.
Short term traders may ride their longs with stop loss at 6255. They may also buy Nifty 5800 puts of November series if Nifty trades above 6350.
Mid term investors may see our previous post and act accordingly.
DisclaimerThe writers of this column do not personally hold any stock or position in the F&O market and do not intend to benefit in any way by publishing this column. The final discretion is that of the reader and we disown any responsibility for any loss incurred by the reader.