Your heart thumps -
as if she were already
at your door.
Or - as if expecting her -
all the birds in the midday sky
arrive to clamour at your window.
An age of patience.
A forest of fluttering. Al Saddiq Al Raddi
The original version of the poem was in arabic. It was translated into the English version by
Sarah Maguire
This week's poem is "Breathless" by the1969 born
Sudanese poet Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi, now granted asylum in UK. It's translated
from the Arabic by Sarah Maguire.
'Breathless' is a tender love poem written in fragments, dotted with pauses, in which nature marries emotions. The choice of words show much more than an eager wait, it's a surety of the coming of love. The poem itself is the antonym of the Age of Patience, it is an ageless wait for the beloved.
The original version
translated poem
by الصادق الرضي
كأنَّها تَقتربُ من البابِ
تسمعُ دقات قلبِكَ
كأنك في انتظارِها
تَحْضُرُ طيورُ الضُّحى
وتَصْطَفُّ على النافذةْ
ساعةٌ من الصَّبرِ
غابةٌ من الهديلِ والشقشقةْ.
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