08 January 2014

The Road by Cormac McCarthy : Book review

The Road is a 306 page long journey through a gutted America in which a father and his son walk across a country that has been razed. The two keep on walking south to reach the coast facing all sorts of conceivable horrors that will shock you. It is a tale of dark despair in the simmering light of hope, love and goodness. It is about the love of living in the present. The Road is a compelling novel written in excellent prose. It is a brilliant work which will capture you and will keep coming back to you again and again even long after you have read it. It definitely will be remembered as a classic work of modern times.
In a scale of 10 we give it a full 10. If you haven’t already read this book thus far, you must now for otherwise you will have missed a very intimate account of what lies at the heart of humanity.

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